1.What is Completion date?
A, It is clarified that the Completion Date as specified in this Agreement is the maximum time which may be taken, subject to prevention on account of Force Majeure Events, for the completion of construction and the issuance of Offer of Possession Letter to the Purchasers.
2.What is Completion certificate?
A, A completion certification (CC) is document that a builder obtains from the municipal authorities after the completion of a building. The CC attests to the fact that the new building is constructed and completed in accordance with all the safety norms and regulations.
3.When will the maintenance charge start?
A, The maintenance period will start from the date the builder offers possession to the customer.
4.What is Possession letter?
A, The possession letter is issued by the developer in favour of the buyer stating the date of possession of the property.
5.What is holding charge?
A, In the event that the Purchasers fails to take over possession of the Unit by making requi1payments as stipulated in the Offer of Possession Letter within a period, the Developer shall be entitled to levy upon the Purchasers, holding charges as defined in the sale agreement.
6.What is House Rules, Club Rules & Restrictions?
A, The norms, rules and regulations which has to be adhered by the all the buyers for maintenance of the Common areas including the club, if any in the Project
7.What are Fit-out rules and guidelines?
A, The Rules and regulations which shall state the manner in which the interior work or the fit-out work in various units is to be conducted.
8.What is Deed of conveyance?
A, What is Deed of conveyance? Deed of conveyance is a document that a seller issues to the buyer, thereby transferring the ownership of the property. The execution of the document takes places after construction is complete, completion certificate is received and all the different terms and conditions present in the sale agreements are fulfilled.
9.What is the process of registration and when does registration take place?
A, Registration will be done only on completion of each phase and on payment of the entire sale consideration including the deposits. Registration will be facilitated by us through a legal consultant appointed by the developer.
10.What is meant by the market value of the property and is Stamp Duty payable on the market value of the property or on consideration as stated in the agreement?
A, Market value means the fair price declared by government at which a property could be bought in the open market on the date of execution of such instrument. The Stamp Duty is payable on the agreement value of the property or the market value whichever is higher.
11.What will be the penalty if you do not deliver on time?
A, For any delays beyond the grace period notified for the project for completion, the rate of interest payable by us would be the same as the rate of interest charged to buyers towards delay penalties subjected to force majeure clause.
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